Third-party risk management for healthcare organizations.

Scale your third-party risk management efforts and strengthen your cybersecurity posture with CORL.

Healthcare organizations interact with an overwhelming amount of vendors, escalating third-party risks, mounting compliance demands, and intense pressure to innovate. All of these make managing vendor risk challenging and complex. 

CORL empowers healthcare organizations to solve third-party risk management by streamlining third-party risk assessments, tiering vendors based on their level of risk and clearly understanding risk internally and across the vendor ecosystem. 

tprm for healthcare organizations

What third-party risk management goals can we help you accomplish?

icon strengthen relationships

Manage third-party risk assessments

Streamline security assessments and gain a deeper understanding of risk across your vendor ecosystem.

icon third party risk

Elevate your security posture

Pursue cybersecurity certifications, maintain compliance, and reduce overall risk with our expert consulting services.

breach preparedness

Proactively prepare for a breach

Know how to respond when a breach occurs with our comprehensive third-party incident response solution.

We answer the third-party risk management questions that really matter.

What can I do to better keep up with the pace of third-party risk assessments?

The number of vendors and the changing nature of risk can bottleneck even the most sophisticated TPRM program. To achieve third-party risk assessment velocity at scale, payors and providers need a solution that couples intuitive technology with scalable, hands-on support. As a service-centered solution, CORL reduces the need for assessments with healthcare’s largest proprietary data asset, automates assessment workflows where possible, and provides skilled support where and when you need it.

In addition, CORL couples intelligent, risk-aligned tiering with powerful pre-assessment data to enable a strong understanding of risk across the entire vendor community and focus assessments in areas representing the greatest risk, the most significant business impact, or the most opacity.

Finally, a big part of maintaining velocity and rigor without compromise is asking fewer things, but making sure they are the right things that correlate to risk. CORL builds upon widely accepted assurances in the healthcare space to radically reduce the number of controls, accelerate the speed of the process, and provide a far more meaningful representation of risk. 

How can I validate questionnaire responses while still efficiently managing vendor risk?

Validation is a valuable tool in any TPRM program, but it must be carefully balanced with objectives related to speed and cost. Through secure, intelligent data reuse, CORL provides validated responses across thousands of healthcare vendors. Where manual validation is desired or recommended, CORL delivers on-demand operational services to manage follow-up. 

Is there a way for me to consider risk before the contract?

Central to our approach is the belief that when it comes to TPRM, earlier is better. Together, CORL’s proprietary data asset, seamless GRC integrations, and CORL Cleared Vendor Directory empower healthcare providers to quickly identify vendors who are contract-ready to make more confident, informed, and secure decisions. 

Can CORL help me with internal cybersecurity in addition to supplier risk management?

At CORL, we’re committed to addressing risk both inside and outside of your organization. Through Meditology Services, we deliver comprehensive cybersecurity compliance and consulting services that help you measurably reduce risk across your entire organization. Our services include assurances, penetration testing, staff augmentation, and much more. 

Can an exchange solve my problems? 

The TPRM assessment data exchange attempts to expedite security assessment response by scaling the utilization of vendor data across multiple clients. While the concept makes sense, there are a few challenges with this approach that negate its ability to solve TPRM holistically.  

First, it neglects to fully address the sensitive nature of vendor data. Vendors are often resistant to share security information with exchanges for fear of that information being distributed broadly across parties, or worse, compromised in a breach. And yet, a vendor’s willingness to share information that is robust, complete, and accurate is a gating factor in the efficacy of an exchange.  

Second, security data naturally becomes less accurate with the passage of time. If an exchange is not actively managed to reflect vendors’ evolving realities, its data continues to become less relevant and less reliable for decision-making.  

Third, exchanges fail to address the prioritization dilemma at the heart of the TPRM problem. Not all parties present the same level of risk to a healthcare organization. By treating all vendors the same, exchanges do nothing to incentivize risk reduction by vendors and are inherently less efficient than a risk-aligned approach.  

Finally, organizations who add their data to exchanges often do so in different standards and formats, making it difficult to benchmark, analyze, and understand. Lack of standardization in security assessment data is a key obstacle to healthcare decision-makers making more informed decisions about vendor risk.  

By contrast, CORL takes a Clearinghouse approach to data reuse, which requires validation from both parties before sharing sensitive information. The entire process is stewarded by human support, to ensure the validity, accuracy, standardization, and security of sensitive data for all parties. This approach couples the benefits of the exchange while overcoming its many weaknesses.  

Why is technology alone not the answer? 

While technology can significantly aid in the distribution, storage, and organization of security questionnaires, it does not address the core operational challenges at the heart of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM). 

These operational challenges range from the most tactical, such as follow-up to ensure assessment completion and validity, to the most strategic, such as translating isolated assessments into a more strategic perspective on risk across a healthcare organization’s vendor community.  

The CORL team addresses these challenges by combining technology and human expertise in the first service-centered solution to solve the heart of the TPRM problem for healthcare.  

Why is healthcare specificity helpful? 

Healthcare specificity is crucial to solving healthcare TPRM due to the unique and stringent requirements of the industry. While many assurances and controls translate across sectors, healthcare requires a specific understanding of how these measures apply to its own regulatory landscape, including HIPAA.  

Because of the amount of patient health information (PHI) exposed to today’s vendors, healthcare finds itself in the crosshairs of the most formidable threats. In addition to its unrivaled threat landscape, healthcare also has an unprecedented cost of compromise.  

As CISOs and other healthcare decision-makers work to understand and manage their third-party risk, they must do so with an understanding of healthcare’s complex operational processes, diverse vendor categories, and specific areas of vulnerability.  

CORL was founded to solve TPRM for healthcare organizations and their vendors. With a leadership team that has served in executive-level healthcare cybersecurity positions, we are uniquely equipped to understand the complex and multifaceted TPRM challenges today’s CISOs and healthcare cybersecurity professionals face.  

Allow CORL to meet you where you are in your third-party risk management journey.

small regional healthcare providers

Small regional providers

For smaller healthcare organizations, CORL simplifies the path to effective TPRM. Even with limited resources, you can seamlessly transition from initial program setup to full operational execution.

Medium multi-location healthcare institutions

CORL empowers multi-location providers with growing vendor communities to turbocharge your TPRM velocity and program agility, enhance your understanding of risk at scale, and manage remediation efforts smoothly.

multi location healthcare institutions
large health systems

Large health systems and distributed networks

For well-established health systems, CORL makes it possible to harness readily available data for faster, more informed decisions. Our solution reduces questionnaire volume and proactively confirms vendor contract readiness.

Discover why healthcare’s leading providers choose CORL.