Russia/Ukraine Cyber Threat Intelligence for Healthcare Vendor Risk Programs

russia ukraine cyber threat intel healthcare vendor risk programs webinar

Healthcare organizations are scrambling to adjust their cybersecurity preparation and response capabilities in the wake of potential cyberattacks stemming from the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. CORL has partnered with leading darknet threat intelligence provider DarkOwl to share our collective insights and analysis on the evolving cyber threat and its impact to healthcare vendor risk management programs. 

In this webinar you will find:

  • An overview of threats and attack vectors stemming from the Russia-Ukraine cyber conflict
  • Guidance from federal agencies including the CISA, FBI, & NSA
  • Darknet analysis of activity in the lead up to the invasion of Ukraine
  • Analysis of ongoing darknet activity and threat intelligence as the conflict evolves
  • Threat intelligence on third- and fourth-party healthcare vendors at risk from these attacks
  • Analysis of CORL’s vendor risk data for impacted healthcare vendors
  • And more…

Watch the ‘Russia-Ukraine Cyber Threat Intel for Healthcare Vendor Risk Programs’ on-demand recording now. 

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