The Need for Speed in Vendor Risk Assessments

need speed vendor risk assessments webinar

Lengthy vendor security reviews are costing businesses time and money and generating frustration on all sides. Vendor risk management (VRM) teams are unable to keep pace with the break-neck speed at which business operates. 

CORL operates vendor risk management programs for hundreds of organizations and has assessed over 80,000 vendors to date. We have optimized vendor risk data, automation, workflow, process, and technology to expedite the vendor risk assessment process. 

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Avoid security teams being viewed as an obstruction to the business and procurement cycles
  • Expedite sales cycles and increase vendor response and assessment cycles
  • Allow security teams to focus more time on risk management rather than data collection
  • Handle and scale unpredictable vendor assessment volumes and timing
  • Meet and exceed business and procurement stakeholders’ expectations on turnaround times
  • Adopt best practices for VRM data reuse, workflow, automation, process, and technology
  • And more…

Watch the ‘The Need for Speed in Vendor Risk Assessments’ on-demand recording now. 

Presented by:

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Jay Stewart
Vice President of Sales
CORL Technologies

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